Here's Another Homeboy of mine that passed away to early.
This cat right here was one of Dusk's major influences...
L.A. Legend Rob One. He passed away March 2000. Very Influential on the LA scene. He was a graf head also. He used to write for CBS. He D.J.'ed for a group called the Shape Shifters. Also had a routine with Woody Woodpecker saying "The West Is The Best".
One of the things he did was called "The Fly I.D. Show". It was broadcasted out of Cal State University of Northridge.
I don't have any shows.
The only thing I have is this record.
"The Fly I.D. Show Breakbeats"
I believe this came out in 1996 sometime.
Well here's side A of the record....
If anyone has any shows please holleration at the nation...